
Personal Spending Plan

Budgeting is a lot like dieting. Neither are fun and are approached from a position of doing without something or sacrificing. It is a wonder that these topics are written or read about so much. Perhaps we are all looking for the magic bullet that fixes everything painlessly and effortlessly in order to become thin and financially fit.

There actually is a better way than sacrificing. It starts with what we really want to achieve and implementing a positive non-sacrificing means to accomplish want we want.

Instead of thinking of budgeting as doing without, think of it as your spending plan. This is a very quick and easy exercise. Each month make a list of each category of spending and savings. Plug in your anticipated expenditures and spending based on previous months. Be sure to include in your planned money outgo the extras for fun and entertainment that you wish to do for the month. Total the amounts up and be sure that the planned expenditures do not exceed your income. Make appropriate adjustments if necessary. Make your savings plan the first automatic debit of the month and all else follows. Keep track of all income and all money that goes out on a daily basis under each category. Consistent tracking has a way of curbing your destructive actions and really takes a very minimal time on a daily basis. You develop a constant awareness of where your money is going and also develop a more discriminating thought process as you track your spending. You will find that less adjustments will need to be made as months go by, and that you will be putting more into savings, paying off credit cards, etc. You will also find that you will be more mentally inclined not to use the cards once they are paid off, because of the increased good feelings you experience by spending your money better.

I have found that it is very rewarding to end the month with my savings growing, all bills paid, and having had special times that were already financially planned. Not only do you become very aware of your financial fitness, there are no guilt feelings and you start to feel good about where your money is going. As you start this path and continue on to achieve financial peace of mind, you will continue to start spending your money more wisely and will become more aware of ways to put your money to work for you instead of you working for it!!! It is a very empowering and sustainable way of handling your financial life. After all, it is your money!!