Your house, while it is your biggest asset, can cost you a lot more than you think. This is especially true if it isn’t insulated or set up properly. Below are 9 tips to help you make your home cost-effective.
Tip 1: Check your insulation: If your house was built by a mainstream builder, chances are you won’t have high quality insulation. Consider upgrading. While it is an upfront cost, your savings in heating and cooling bills will offset this cost. You may be eligible for a government grant.
Tip 2: Double glaze your windows: Double glazing or even triple glazing your windows will also help to offset your energy costs. Remember to find a fully qualified installer and make sure they use quality products.
Tip 3: Consider down grading your house: A big house costs more to heat and cool. If you are an empty-nester or a couple you could consider downgrading.
Tip 4: Close heater vents in rooms you don’t use: Central heating costs can be lowered by shutting off the vents in rooms that you are not using. Go around your house and shut off the vents in these rooms, and enjoy spending a few less dollars each month on your heating bills.
Tip 5: Use Carpet squares instead of carpet: Carpet squares are high quality (often builders’ quality) carpet that is left over from big residential or commercial projects. Instead of paying top dollar you can often cover a whole room for around $200. The good news is that you can also have these cut to size.
Tip 6: Change your showerhead to a water saving one: The good news here is that many water companies give water-saving showerheads away for free when you return your old shower head. A water-saving showerhead can save you 4 litres of water a minute. This adds up over time, and can save you around $40 over a year.
Tip 7: Home energy audit: While these can cost you $200 or so, if your energy bills are huge then it may be worth it. We have heard of people who have found lights in their attic that have been on for years without knowing about it. They also found a couple of refugees living up there at the same time. They’re still there but the light is now off!
Tip 8: Consider taking on a house boarder: If you are really short on money, and have a house that would allow for a boarder, then consider it. A lot of thought should go into this decision, but it will help you save money, especially if you need to get back on track. Probably not a good option to go for the 21 yr old dancer with the low cut top…the wife may not like this option.
Tip 9: Air proof your home: Every 12 months or so go around your house and fix up and block off any air that is coming in. You don’t want cold air coming in winter, or hot air coming in summer.