There are a lot of people who are having problems when it comes to saving money. Whether you earn a lot or just right it is not the amount that you have in hand that makes you rich, it is your attitude towards it and how you handle it. Some people wonder why in spite of the same salary they receive from work, some of their officemates are able to save and spend money more than they do. So here are some reasons why and tips on how you should save up.
Like I said awhile ago, it’s not the amount of money that’s important it’s your attitude towards it. So when you receive your paycheck or you have your profit in hand. It is important that you allocate your money first before you start spending. Separate the money that will be used for basic expenses, food, clothing etc. and don’t forget to keep even just a percent of your earnings as your savings.
When it comes to shopping, don’t be carried away by fancy advertisements and trends. Buy only what you need, if you want to buy a want, make sure that your budget won’t be compromised in the end. Today, there are many banks and shopping malls that have a pointing system that when you earn as much you can turn it into cash. Try joining these promos and take advantage of the amount of money that you can save with these.
When at work, it wouldn’t hurt if you bring your own lunch it would surely save you a lot and you will be able to enjoy home made food without hassle. Also, avoid frequent expensive coffees so that you can lessen your expense. There are a lot of freebies around the office; you might as well utilize them.
Another thing is the unexpected expenses and gimmicks. Most of the time, your money is being cut short because of unexpected things. Sometimes you are carried away with a situation and are caught off guard and usually these are the expenses that cut way short of your money. So when you’re out there with friends or just on a casual day, it’s advisable that you only bring what’s expected for the day so you wouldn’t be victimized by the situation. And most of all don’t ever spend money that you still do not have because you are never sure of what will happen next and your debt could get out of hand if you do this all the time.
So remember, it is not the amount of money that you earn that will help you save money but it’s your attitude towards spending it. Know how to manage them and where to keep them because your security is what’s at stake here.