
Tips From the Rich – How to Manage Money

If you are similar to everyone else you probably feel as though you could make more money and don’t know what to do with the money you have. The mega wealthy know how to manage money and are able to manage the lifestyle we all dream of. Here are a few helpful ways that you can turn your finances around and help you to be far more wealthy than you imagined.

Better Time Management at Work

There are ways to be smarter with how you spend your time at your job. Many of us relish the ‘water cooler meetings’ but is it the best use of your time? Probably not. Instead of talking about the most recent episode of 24, learn to be an expert on a certain part of your job, figure out something new, or find a way that will cut costs. The more you put into your job the more you will get from it. Make yourself stand out as the perfect person for any promotion or salary increase. If you’re truly motivated enough you might even discover yourself in your bosses chair.

Negotiate Your Salary

When most people begin a new job they are usually too scared to negotiate their salary and take whatever is offered. Statistics show that those that negotiated how much they want to make increased their salary by almost eight percent versus the people who did not. What’s the worst case scenario? You might just get the big fat pay raise that you want and create new ways of how to manage money.

Be More Charitable

It’s amazing how well the ‘pay it forward’ mentality works for the rich. The average household with an income of over $500,000 gave away over 6% of what they make to charities or special causes. Not only does giving back to those who need it will supply you with a lot of satisfaction and you can write off donations come tax time. If you are really on top of your finances you may even be able to put yourself into a lower tax bracket.

Own Your Own Business

As the old saying goes ‘You can never get rich by working for someone else.’ It takes a lot of work, determination, headaches and sleepless nights to own your own business. On the other hand, the sense of accomplishment, excitement and financial rewards of having your own business are immense. Before you quit your job and start a franchise that sells chocolate covered bananas, do a lot of research and make a business that can sustain you and your family. The more {preplanning you do|you plan and discover how to manage money properly, the more successful you will be. The rich don’t become wealthy by chance.

Strategize Borrowed Money

The wealthy often borrow as much money or more than the average person but they way they borrow money is very different. The wealthiest people in the world are half as likely to have credit card debt and they are also less likely to have auto loans. Most of the wealthy carry mortgages much like the average person and they are three times more likely to have loans on real estate investments. The rich know how to manage money better than most people because they wisely borrow.

Buy Into Real Estate

Do you think Bill Gates or Donald Trump rent their homes? If you want to get ahead with your finances and stay ahead you must buy real estate. Don’t purchase outside of your budget. Try to buy something that you can afford and can even fix up and sell in a couple of years for a major profit. By renting, your money is being wasted. Chances are your mortgage payment will be as much or less than you are currently paying in rent.

It may take baby steps but if you want to get ahead with your money and follow these tips of how to manage money. The wealthy aren’t rich by fluke. They usually take calculated risks and are rewarded financially in the end. You have it in you to make the same kind of decisions and start making the money you’ve always dreamed.