
Application checklist for your compulsory third party insurance

In NSW Australia, you need to get a green slip at the time when you register your vehicle legal to drive in the area. There is no option to skip this third party property car insurance because no vehicle in the area would be able to be on the road until and unless the owner has obtained the ctp insurance. It is for sure an important step and most of the vehicle owners would not hesitate to get it not just because of a compulsion there but it also provides great help for the owner of the vehicle as well.

People can find sufficient help in getting the green slip or third party insurance through the insurance provider. To make sure you get it done the right way, you need to know the basic requirements that would make you eligible for the insurance. For this purpose you may have to check for the following important things:

Your new vehicle should be registered within three months

You should keep in mind that when you are applying for a green slip you need to be sure that your car gets registered before it gets 6 months overdue. This is necessary and you should make sure that you don’t delay that process.

Your vehicle should not be an imported used vehicle

Imported used vehicle may experience issues and may not get a green slip easily in the NSW.

You need to have a blue slip if your vehicle has undergone an interstate transfer

In case if the vehicle has undergone an interstate transfer, you must have a blue slip or else green slip will not be available for such cars.

For old cars with expired registration, they should be re-registered before applying for a green slip

For old cars where their registration has got expired, these should be re-registered before sending the green slip application to avoid delays and rejections.

Stand by taxis, vehicles manufactured before the year 1960 and those which don’t have a blue slip if they are transferred from other states may not get a green slip and there could be legal issues when you are applying when having such conditions and circumstances.