Is saving your money in-line with a healthy prosperity mentality? Well, it depends on your consciousness. Why are you saving? While you are saving are you thinking about all those things you want to do but can’t because you need the money for something else? Or are you “choosing” to do one thing over another? There’s a big difference in feeling between “have to” and “choose to”. If you are saving out of hoarding, feelings of lack, fear, or the like, then the message you are sending is one of lack. If, however, you are saving simply out of choice, you know that you could do whatever you choose with your money and that one thing you choose to do
Wealthy people have wealthy habits. You can still believe in your infinite supply while saving some of what comes in.
Say you want to take a trip in a few months but at the moment you don’t have the money necessary to do so. You can “choose” to save some money that comes in, knowing full well that the hows will work themselves out. You can choose to be open to joyous possibilities that you don’t know about or can’t predict right now. So with your current knowledge and full expectations of growing your wealth and manifesting it, you do what you know in the moment that will get you to your goal of the trip. When you put the money aside, you do so with joy and anticipation of the end result, not out of begrudging feelings, resentment or feelings of deprivation.
Plus, as you save you feel wealthy because you feel your money growing and you feel abundant. You still spend your money, just not all of it and not all at once. You know you are manifesting great wealth, but because you don’t necessarily know how or even when, you let go and do what you know of in the moment (as guided). You may very well find that as you grow your money, when it comes to the time to book that trip and pay for it, other joyous yet possibly unexpected synchronicities have occurred that allow you to pay for your trip without even needing your savings.
Why? Because as you feel wealthy, you are wealthy and that attracts more wealth. You also show the Universe that you are serious about your intention, so you take all the steps you know of now to prepare for your trip, and you joyously save a portion of your income fully expecting to make your intention, or something better, happen. You also let go with openness to all joyous positive opportunities that come your way, which may cause you not to even need to spend your savings, or may give you so much wealth that how you pay for your trip is totally irrelevant.
Truly wealthy people are smart with their money. They invest some, they save some, they spend some, and they give some (share). It’s about balance and harmony. It’s about circulation of energy. It’s about making smart proactive choices. It’s about feeling abundant in all good ways. When you get into good money habits and feelings of deservingness and belief, then you are in a position to attract and handle more wealth. So saving in and of itself is not sending a bad message to the universe. If done right with the right consciousness, it demonstrates belief and commitment in yourself, in your intention, in your faith, and in your joy. Just make sure that you are always “choosing” what you want rather than feeling it’s imposed on you by certain life circumstances or your own beliefs in lack.
Don’t save with a “rainy day” in mind. Save out of joy. Feel that you have more than enough; feel that you have plenty. Feel that you have the ability to save because all your needs are already met and you are saving out of abundance rather out of necessity (i.e. feeling this as a reality now, and letting go of the hows). Feel what it feels like to put money aside proactively, to use it in the best way when the time is right, rather than being impulsive with your spending. Remember, it’s not just about being able to afford things; it’s the motivation behind your desires that matters most.
When you save, feel it as one means of getting what you intend, but not the only means. See it as something you’re doing right now, but also knowing that wealth is something that is already one with you and manifesting in perfect time and order. So, because you know this, you feel joyous, at peace, and relaxed about it. Also, you focus on the end result of what your intention is; the essence of it, and let it go to Source to deliver the logistics. You are thinking more about the essence of wealth, freedom and also what the end result represents to you. The hows and the means will show up if you believe they will.
But what about acting in the present moment as if your desire is already manifest? If you are truly wealthy in material form, would you still be saving? Yes, hopefully you would be in the habit of saving, giving, investing, and spending, right? Maybe you wouldn’t need your savings for a specific item you want, but you still put money aside in savings as a form of smart money management and in the spirit of not being compulsive or impulsive with your spending.
It’s like knowing you have a big royalty check coming to you, for example. You may not know when it will come, but you know you are already wealthy in essence. As such, you plan with this in mind. You do what feels right in the moment. Maybe your check will be delivered in 6 months but you would like to take a trip in 3, so even though you know you will have the money in 6 months, you still save right now to take the trip you want in 3. Obviously we don’t always know when our desires will actually manifest, even though we know they, or something better, will. So, in light of that, we do what we can in the moment to prepare for our manifestations, think, feel and act accordingly but also do what we know in the moment to get things done.
Remember, the consciousness behind your decisions is what is most important as your feelings don’t lie. The universe responds to your true feelings, not just actions. If you save begrudgingly, sure the action of saving has been done, but the negative feeling you’ve attached to that action attracts something other than what you want. Don’t just do; know why you are choosing to do what you do. So don’t just save, know why you are saving and be honest about the feelings you have about saving. Is it out of abundance or out of lack? Only you really know.