
The Money Saving Secrets of the Wealthy

Saving Money is a very healthy financial habit. In tough recessions, as well as in good economy’s,
saving money does nothing but get you ahead of your game, financially!

In this article, The Money Saving Secrets of The Wealthy, You will learn how The Wealthy
save money, to help you get ahead financially.

Why would I call “saving money” an art? It actually is an art. It’s a discipline practiced by the world’s wealthiest people especially when they were first starting out.

From the words of W. Clemet Stone, “The individual, who lacks the ability to save, does not have the
seeds of greatness within them”. Your first step to wealth, no matter where you are financially, is to
begin a savings plan. Saving is taking the additional funds you have at the end of each week, after expenses, and putting it away in a special savings account with the local bank.

As you start your planning to wealth, you will find new ways to make money. You will have excessive funds to save, and from that point you’ve started the process of wealth.

The Wealthy, know that the only way to get wealthy, and stay wealthy is to have a sound plan of savings, or better said, make more money then they spend.

Saving money also makes you feel better, it improves your self-esteem in relations to your status and ability to support yourself. In my book, Pennies to Billions, I cover the art of saving, along with a detailed understanding all of the wealth methods, out there, to use to build your own personal “self-made” financial plan.

Start Your savings plan today, but more importantly, have a gameplan on what your going to use the savings for. If you dont plan, you plan to fail, and those savings will find an outlet, which is usually into useless consumer products.